Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Mouthful of Delight

2-24-11 While in Lake Placid my family and I went to eat at this amazing restaurant called the "Dancing Bears". All of the food there was huge, this is the grilled sandwich I got. (no maximizing was used in this picture).

Saturday, February 19, 2011


After such cold and harsh weather, it feels good to lay on the couch and look outside and see the sun peeking throught the clouds.
-my computer is still messed up but when ever I get the chances to, I'll post.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cross Country Skiing through the woods...

Yeah! I got a post set up! My Internet is still messed up though, so I might not post as often... but I'll try.
This was my first time cross country skiing and it was one of the best experiences of my life! It was beautiful and fun. We went on the Olympic ski track and on the second biggest hill... it was soo much fun!!! Cross country skiing is now one of my favorite hobbies.